- Hand Grenade Screwdriver Set
- Tool set inside grenade includes driver, small, medium, and large Phillips and flathead-style bits
- A creative and unique spin on your regular screwdriver set
- 7 Piece set is secretly hidden inside the compact grenade
- Tips are held in by a strong magnet- easy to use and hold
Get ready for "the mother of all comedy events" (Pat Collins, WWOR-TV/New York) as Robin Williams and Billy Crystal play a flaky writer and an uptight lawer teaming up to track down a runaway teen each thinks might be his son. Year: 1997 Director: Ivan Reitman Starring: Robin Williams, Billy Crystal, Julia Louis-DreyfusBilly Crystal plays the straight man to neurotic Robin Williams when these two very different individuals join forces to find a runaway teenager. Both, you see, have been told they are the boy's father by Nastassja Kinski, with whom each had once be! en involved. This Disney production is based on the more humorous French farce,
Les Compères, by Francis Veber (who cowrote this adaptation). It has its moments as breezy entertainment, but the plot is sloppy enough to seem more like slapstick than sophisticated comedy. The gags are contrived, and it fails to unfold with believability, or grace. More interesting than the writing are the performances, as Crystal brings surprising depth to his cynical lawyer and Williams is exceptionally fine-tuned as a suicidal and dippy writer with a very kind heart.
--Rochelle O'Gorman Academy Award winner Daniel Day-Lewis gives an impassioned performance in this riveting drama that mirrors one man's 15-year struggle and ultimate triumph over a terrible injustice. Oscar winner Emma Thompson co-stars in this gripping film the Los Angeles Times calls, "A politically charged 'Fugitive.'" In the Name of the Father tells the true saga of Gerry Conlon. A petty thief in strife-! torn '70s Belfast, Gerry's main interests are getting drunk an! d partyi ng, much to the dismay of his quiet, frail father Giuseppe (Pete Postlethwaite). When Gerry angers the IRA, his father sends him to England, where his antics land him in the wrong place at the wrong time. Innocent, but forced to confess to a savage terrorist bombing, he is sentenced to life imprisonment as one of the "Guildford Four." An innocent Giuseppe is also arrested and jailed, and while behind bars, Gerry slowly learns that his father's seeming weakness masks an unmatched inner strength and wisdom. Working with a fiercely dedicated lawyer (Thompson), Gerry determines to prove his innocence, clear his father's name and expose the truth behind one of the most shameful legal events in recent history.Based on a true story, this rousing and tough-minded film details British overzealousness in prosecuting an IRA bombing in the 1970s. Grabbing up a pair of small-time thieves (Daniel Day-Lewis and John Lynch) and their families, the government concocts a conspiracy ca! se against them and tosses them all in jail. Until then, Day-Lewis has been a ne'er-do-well, an apolitical goof looking for a quick score. But confronted with the toughness of his own father (Pete Postlethwaite) in the face of British torture, he begins to realize just what the stakes are.
In the Name of the Father is at times grueling and never less than compelling, with a complex performance by Day-Lewis and a strong one by Emma Thompson, as the lawyer who finally cracks through the British obstructions to the truth.
--Marshall FineCD06 Features: -6 piece set. -Materials: stainless steel, PP. -Overall Dimensions: 4'' H x 2'' Dia.